Hi, clicking on "Properties" results in a wait time of 10 Seconds. ArcMap 10.5.1. Set up new MXD, no big files just aerial photos and shome shapes.
I'm also experiencing this same issue -we recently upgraded to 10.6.1 and have Win10 machines now. Do you have more information on this bug? I tired searching for it and didn't find it. Is ESRI really saying that it wont be fixed until 10.7?
Alice - from what I'm reading on the BUG, it was fixed at 10.7 - soon to be released.
Can you post some more details about the bug through this thread?
Colin Ricks response a few above mine listed the BUG number (BUG-000113336) and some info from Esri Support. I don't have too much information about it other than it was reproducible by Esri, was marked HIGH in severity, and tested at 10.4.1, 10.5, 10.5.1, 10.6 clean installs. Wish I had more to tell you.
I have the 10.7 Prerelease installed and I can say that there is a definite speed increase in many areas of operation. Most noticeable is the opening of the mxds themselves and opening properties for features and legends.
Alice, I had to fix the version I have currently because we are not allowed to upgrade at my place of work. Do check your Windows/fonts folder. If there are over 500 fonts in there, ArcMap is slow as molasses. See my post above which explains how to decrease the fonts in that folder. My fonts are down to 365, and ArcMap is so fast now.
I did try the removing Font trick you suggested but I actually didn't have very many fonts (not the 2000+ you mentioned) and didn't notice a change. However - I downloaded that new Patch that was provided in the comments above: ArcGIS Desktop Dialog Initialization Performance Patch
and that worked! Now the layer properties are opening up at their normal speeds (~6 seconds compared to ~20 seconds) again.
This patch is great, also opening tables so much quicker!
HERE IS THE ANSWER. I had the same problem. install the
know this is an old post but Im running latest version and just reloaded latest version and everything I do anything in arcmap its a 30 second spinning circle, so guess what in 2021 same issues.