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ArcGIS Pro SDK 3.1.4 epxorting to PDF issue with north arrow.

01-04-2024 05:02 AM
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Emerging Contributor

I am trying to create an add-in the produce a PDF out of the current layer that we have on.

PDFFormat PDF = new PDFFormat()
OutputFileName = fileNamePdf,
Resolution = 300,
DoCompressVectorGraphics = true,
HasGeoRefInfo = true,
ImageCompression = ImageCompression.Adaptive,
ImageQuality = ImageQuality.Best,
LayersAndAttributes = LayersAndAttributes.None,

everything is being exported correctly but i have in my layout the the north arrow added. that isn't being exported. when i use the export to pdf tool provided by default arcgis pro and check the option (output as an image) this is the only way the north arrow is showing.

i am using arcgis pro version: 3.1.41833

Please help.

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1 Reply
Esri Regular Contributor

Is your north arrow coming from a font? If so you might need to set embed fonts to true for it to be included in the export. 

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