Arcgis pro desktop discontinued?

05-27-2023 08:56 AM
New Contributor

Hi everyone,

I'm wondering if it's still possible to purchase an Arcgis pro desktop licence?

My boss told me the guys from ESRI are not selling these licences anymore and that he could just buy Arcgis online licence wich is really not ideal for my work.

Please let me know if that's true or if it's a mistake.

Thank you very much!

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2 Replies
Frequent Contributor

Mistake. I just renewed my ArcGIS Desktop Basic license (you can use ArcMap or ArcGIS Pro with that license) and 3D Analyst extension. Adding a second license for a new employee as well. Just need to get in touch with a sales rep because it requires a quote so they can add your license to your org since it connects to ArcGIS Online.  You can’t just buy the license in the online store yourself.


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Esri Notable Contributor

Your licenses for ArcMap can be renewed by contacting your sales rep as mentioned by Justin above.  The last release of ArcMap was 10.8.2 I believe so there is no newer version of ArcMap beyond that and in fact, it will be retired March 1, 2026 I believe.  What this means is you can still continue to use ArcMap well beyond the retirement date but you will not be able to get tech support on ArcMap after that date.  My recommendation is to move your workflows to ArcGIS Pro as soon as you can - most of the ArcMap functioanlity is already in ArcGIS Pro.

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