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Store default raster symbology in geodatabase

10-02-2024 04:23 AM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Esteemed Contributor

When adding a raster to the map from a geodatabase, I want a default symbology to be used, such as stretch (white to black gradient) and DRA. Or shaded relief.

The kind of symbology that’s used for rasters makes a big difference. A user might add a LiDAR digitial surface model to the map, but its default symbology might just look like a black blob, so seemingly not useful data. But if DRA is applied or if shaded relief symbology is used, then the raster becomes more useful, the user can see differences in elevation. However, users might not know that the symbology needs to be changed. Default symbology would solve this issue.

I'm aware that default symbology can be stored in a .LYRX layer file, a saved project, or other formats. But that's not how our users find and add data to maps. They drag and drop from the geodatabase in Catalog.

Related: Store default feature class symbology in geodatabase