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Server Cluster Column in ArcCatalog

04-26-2017 05:51 AM
Status: Closed
Regular Contributor

In an effort to even out loads, I'm splitting ArcGIS for Server services between clustered machines.  As far as I know, users must either use Server Manager or ArcCatalog to individually enter each service's properties, then parameters to determine a service's cluster machine name.  A noticeable amount of time could be saved if this cluster information were an option as a column in ArcCatalog.

Thanks for considering,

1 Comment
Status changed to: Closed

ArcGIS Desktop is in mature support and will be retired March 1, 2026 so we won’t be considering this idea. We recommend that you migrate to ArcGIS Pro, our fully supported desktop GIS application. See Migrate from ArcMap to ArcGIS Pro for more information. Thank you for taking the time to share your ideas.  We truly appreciate your contributions to continuously improving the software to help you do your work and look forward to what ideas you have for ArcGIS Pro.