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Select tool activate after reshape feature

02-15-2022 01:05 PM
Status: Closed
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor

After using the Reshape tool modify a feature, I have to click on the "Select one or more lines or polygons" option in the Modify Features pane in order to select the next feature to modify.  It would save time if after a feature was modified, the Select tool would automatically activated for the next selection.  The Continue Feature tool works that way.  After editing a feature, the select tool activates.  



Depending on the data and scenario, this option might work for you:




Another option that may work for you is that if you hold down the SHIFT key while reshape is active it will momentarily switch to selection mode to allow you to select a different feature to reshape.

As for why reshape stays in reshape mode after a successful reshape (while continue does not) it is because it is a reasonable workflow to reshape the same feature multiple times at different areas along the feature (while continuing the same feature twice is less obviously useful as you could have just continued more the first time.).

You could also assign a keyboard shortcut to clear the selection, which may be helpful as after the selection is cleared reshape will switch back into selection mode.


Thanks @John_Jones!  Holding the Shift key while reshaping helps a lot.   Your explanation of why it doesn't switch back to the select tool makes sense.  


Status changed to: Closed