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Python Toolbox Manager

12-23-2020 06:54 AM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Emerging Contributor

Hundreds of developers out there create some stunning arcpy based toolboxes for ArcGIS Desktop. Yet they are quite hidden on github or other external pages.

Comparable to QGIS I would love to see the option to explore and easily download/install python based toolboxes from external developers using a community plugin tool/catalog.

Developers can upload their toolboxes and users of ArcGIS can explore solutions, download and install these plugins, rate them and contact the developer of the toolbox right away.

This should not be limited to Esri Partner based solutions!


This is a cool idea supporting user community to share tools easier than before. Helps developers to share and users to find new tools, also connects developer community better with users. Hope this gets enough support to end up in product road map.


ArcGIS Code Sharing

Is one place, but not integrated into the Community yet

@MichelleMathias FYI


Hi @DanPatterson , thanks for your comment, but his is not an option. people still need to browse and search and donwload and add the toolbox in ArcGIS. I would like to see it fully embedded. Like browsing for layers/features in ArcGIS online, I would love to search for geoprocessing tools and would like to download them directly in ArcGIS and not by a nice zip from github/ code sharing or whatever platform/dev-network...


Ideally, but you would have the "permissions" thing to deal with.


what sort of "permissions" @DanPatterson ? I don't see any permission problems in QGIS... So, if I have a proper ArcGIS license, I can start ArcGIS and currentyl i need to download a toolbox from some repo and manually add it to my toolbox. Why couldn't this step be automized and make more visible to the normal ArcGIS user? As an example: We've created this tolbox  for ArcGIS Pro/ ArcMAP and think this could be of great interest to many users... Why can't we add this to an ArcGIS desktop embedded catalogue of python based "extensions"...


Not all work environments permit their employees to simply download stuff and install it or run it from some portal location, hence, my "permissions" comment.

Useful for the user with full admin rights perhaps or who doesn't want to inspect the tool first.

Therefore you can have a repository manager who inspect the uploaded
toolboxes and somehow "approves" them.
But regarding your usecase:
People who do not have the "donwload and install option" will not have it
in ArcGIS Pro as well and will not even think about it. yet IT admins might
be more friendly to an embedded solution compared to a third party
repository like github or others.