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Please make it possible for the XY tolerance to be the same as the resolution

07-06-2022 07:00 AM
Status: Open
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Emerging Contributor

Tolerance in Esri geodatabases is at least twice the resolution and advised to be 10x the resolution (see Esri technical paper 2007: Understanding Coordinate Management in the Geodatabase). This conflicts with the BGT-rules.

Within BGT we work in millimeters (BGT-rule). This also allows vertices to be one millimeter from each other, supported by all other suppliers in the BGT-world. But in a variety of Esri geodatabase management tools, including topology and complex editing tools in ArcGIS Pro, during the cracking and clustering process vertices closer to each other than 5.6 millimeter might (or will) be replaced.

All other GIS/CAD editing products in the market allow for the tolerance being same as or even smaller than the database resolution. We need that too for this registration

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Some more background on the BGT, the biggest Dutch governmental owned geographic registration and one of the most detailed worldwide:

The BGT is short for Basisregistratie Grootschalige Topografie – a large-scale basemap fully covering the Netherlands at ground level in realistic, visual and measurable objects. The BGT is very detailed, working at scale level between 1:500 – 1:5000. 

The BGT is regulated by law. The Dutch Ministry of Interior is responsible and gives the assignments.  

They also define the rules. Most of the technical infrastructure is managed by the Dutch Kadaster. 


The BGT is kept up to date by all the stakeholders together, being all Dutch municipalities (345), waterboards (21), provinces (12) and several nationwide operating departments of the government (4). There are 7 certified suppliers that sell edit software to the stakeholders.  

The master dataset is centrally managed by het Kadaster. Stakeholders have to offer their changes as a “WAS-WILL BE” set in a predefined XML format including GML for the geometry.