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Join tables | each table has 4 viewable fields | When unjoined the viewed field should stay set

10-01-2021 06:28 PM
Status: Closed
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Frequent Contributor

In version 2.7 when I unjoined tables the viewed fields would stay exactly like I set then up. In resent releases this is not the case.

Please set this up like 2.7, because there is nothing more frustrating then have each table setup the way I need it, join them together, and figuring out I need one more field. Now I have to remember what I had before and add the one I forgot.

I use many hosted service layer, and maybe that's where the issue it.

Thanks in advance.

Please, thumbs up if you agree.


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Status changed to: Needs Clarification

Hi @MichelleWilliamsERM Super interested in your idea.  We have the JoinFields tool that will append the fields onto your input table perminantly.  From your description, it looks like you are using a feature service, do you want the remove join tool to make the joined fields perminant?


@MichelleWilliamsERM In my mind I was thinking of an optional arguement on the remove join tool to allow users to make joined fields perminant.




@JonathanNeal, thank you for Saturday reply.

Thank you for suggesting the other tool, I'm not sure we are talking the same thing, let me try again.


Here's my workflow for this task that isn't working correctly -

I view only the fields I need (turning off the other fields) - I do this for both tables.

Then I right clicking the service layer in Pro and join another table, in a perfect world I'd calculate field last.

My issue is that when I unlink my tables because I forgot to include a field, the service layer table resets to show all fields. I think that should be more clear.


Status changed to: Closed

Hi @MichelleWilliamsERM We apologize that you are experiencing this behavior.  This was submitted to technical support as the following bug: [BUG-000140234: Removing the join reset the fields settings in ArcGIS Pro 2.8.]  Here is the link on the Support site: 

The good news is that this is fixed in ArcGIS Pro 2.9 which we expect to be publicly available at some point next month.  Again, we apologize for the inconvenience until then.

Thank you