Ground Distance Template Cursor

08-17-2012 10:13 AM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Regular Contributor

I would like to see "Ground Distance Template Cursors" built into ArcMap.

These would be rings or boxes that move along with the standard pointer regardless of the setting, (They would exist whether you were collecting a feature, using the hand tool, drawing a box, etc.)

The purpose of these would be to help visualize distances without using the measure tool.  User could set multiple rings, specify color, thickness and transparency.  User would also specify the radius distance (feet, meters, inches, etc) and ArcMap would handle whatever conversion was necesscary based on current map.  Also could specify an area... for example a two acre cursor.

These rings would scale dynamically as the map is zoomed in or out to always show the selected ground distance.

I think this would be very useful to visualize distances.... sometimes project criteria calls for us to digitize features from imagery.... may call for lakes > 1 acre and Rivers wider than 100'.  If we had these specialized cursors, then without using the measure tool, a user could tell at a glance if a feature met those qualifications.

Please consider this for future update.


I believe this is what I am looking for but the halo would center about the mouse pointer. This function would be helpful to have in webmap and outside production editing.  


Interesting, @23Starbuck ...  I never heard that this feature ever was created (or had existed.)   Unfortunately, I never had Production Mapping when I was using ArcMap heavily.

Haven't looked into it myself, but do we know if anything similar exist for ArcGIS Pro?  I've moved onto using Pro primarily myself now that I'm not as heavily into production as I used to be.  I think our production team is starting to transition over to Pro as well (though many still need to use ArcMap.)

I still think the tool would be nice... it's something I used every day when doing Stereo Mapping, as it was built into the 3d collection environment.... just could never use it when doing 2d collection in ArcMap.


The tool as described in the link above has some nice features (geodesic rings) but not clear on some other aspects:

  • What if you have no ground surface... would the rings still work?
  • Can you make the halo appear as a non-filled cursor (just a circle?)
    • I find filled halos distracting, as I often need to see the underlying image CLEARLY while collecting features.
  • Still would like to have ability to designate different area types, other than radius.... Square feet, acres, or other dimensions for example... so that the user could quickly adjust for job specs without needing to work up calculations for themselves.