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Export table to existing Excel file instead of creating new file

08-29-2024 12:42 PM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Esteemed Contributor

ArcGIS Pro 2.9.5

I have several FCs. I want to export their attribute tables to a single Excel spreadsheet file (as separate sheets within the same file).

The Table To Excel geoprocessing tool creates a new Excel file for each table export.

Can Pro be enhanced to allow exporting a table to an existing Excel file?

Copying from the attribute table and pasting it into a new sheet in Excel works for some use cases. However, it is very slow for large tables and seems less robust than a formal GP tool. I'm not sure how copying works behind the scenes in Windows 10, but it might not be ideal to have that much data stored in the clipboard in RAM.


Bud, Data Interoperability extension can write multiple worksheets into a single Excel file.

The Excel file may already exist or be created by the process.


@Bud You should ask the Esri AI Chatbot before you post ideas. It may be possible to do things already.....

I want to export multiple feature classes' tables to the same Excel file. How would I do this? Please be specific.:

Based on the information I found, you can export multiple feature classes' tables to the same Excel file by following these steps:

  1. Open the attribute table of the feature class that you want to export in ArcMap.
  2. Click the table Options button, then select Export.
  3. Specify a name and export the data as a dBase table.
  4. Import the table back to the geodatabase by right-clicking the geodatabase connection in ArcCatalog, then select Import > Table (Single).
  5. Build a new relationship class between the feature class and the table and publish the feature as a new service.

Please note that each table will be a separate sheet in the Excel file. If you want to combine them into one sheet, you might need to use Excel's functionality or other third-party tools.

It may be possible to accomplish the task in various ways, but in this case I suggest, and strongly suggest I might add, sticking with the answer by @BruceHarold 🤣🤣🤣