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Easily attach and view images and videos in pop ups and the attribute table.

11-23-2023 11:38 AM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Regular Contributor

A simple solution that doesn't require a "Hack" or some complex linking system, to easily attach an image to a feature, have it show up in the pop up, and when I share the layer as a web-layer on AGOL, have the image upload as well and show up natively in the pop-up. There should also be an "Add Media" button somewhere either in the popup or in the attribute table to quickly do so. If you add multiple images, it should just automatically turn into a slideshow style.


Simply put, make it so I can add an image to a feature quickly, view it, and share it. 



I agree!


The disparities in how ArcGIS Pro and AGOL interact with Attachment-enabled Features are constantly throwing our team curveballs.  We'll go to do something and realize we were thinking in Pro terms about something that's hosted in AGOL.  Or we'll need Pro's more robust functionality, but we're working with hosted AGOL data.

Standardizing between the two—frankly, in either direction, though I'd personally prefer both get a hybrid—would drastically cut down on these headaches.

I know in theory that anything hosted in AGOL can be opened in Pro, but we've found that in practice this has only been viable for us to do on a read-only basis, because writing back up to AGOL is so limited and/or interminably slow.


In a perfect world made of happiness and magic and no consequences, I would love to see the ease of adding & viewing attachments taken from AGOL, but with the ability to access the "back end" like Pro for more complex operations, when needed.  (Similar to the existing differences between viewing the attributes of a feature in the pop-up inside an AGOL map vs. viewing them directly in the Data tab of a hosted feature service.