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Easier navigation to NAD 83 UTM projections

05-09-2024 08:22 PM
Status: Open
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Esteemed Contributor

In Pro 2.9.5, it was relatively easy to navigate to the NAD 1983 UTM projections:



But in ArcGIS Pro 3.3.0, I need to dive and scroll a lot more:


A zoomable version of the screenshot: 

Could that be changed so that it's less cumbersome to navigate to the NAD 83 UTM projections?

I'm aware that I can search for a specific projection. But I prefer to browse the projection folders to make sure I'm getting the right one.


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Hi Bud, 

I'm sorry about the long delay in responding.

We're going to open an official issue with the map authoring team (who owns that UI) and see if we can get the UI to list subfolders before the individual coordsys/prj entries. That way it acts more like a Windows file explorer window. If it turns out to be difficult for some reason, we could create an 'Other GCS' subfolder so that you no longer have to scroll down through the individual coordsys/prj entries to get to the subfolders. 

As you mentioned, using the search or filter methods can help. If you're using the same coordinate systems consistently, you can Add to Favorites too.

Note: Once we accumulate about 20 or more related entries in a folder, we usually put them into a subfolder. 



Thanks @MelitaKennedy.