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Data driven pages auto grid interval

11-15-2011 01:33 AM
Status: Already Offered
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Occasional Contributor

It would be nice if there is an option to automatically change the (selected or all) graticule/measured grid interval when using data driven pages.  The options would probably be similar to the Extent tab of the Septup Data Driven Pages.

I agree and have a further suggestion that it would be nice to be able to specify grid size in the plot units (e.g. 10cm) and the grid will be automatically adjusted.

I am creating a Data Driven Page/export to PDF per pipe. My pipes are different length (from 100m to 20km). I would like to have 10m grid interval for short pipelines and 1km for long pipelines etc.
I have a work around - when creating Data Driven Pages I sort them by length, then examine for how many pipes 10m grid interval looks fine. Then I export to PDF these pages only. I increase grid interval to 20m and do the same... until I’ve done them all.
Status changed to: Already Offered

This is available in ArcGIS Pro. The grid can auto-adjust for each page in a map series.