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Auto Text Tool/Click-to-Label: specify the layer and label class

04-28-2022 12:16 PM
Status: Implemented
Labels (1)
Honored Contributor

I am absolutely loving the auto text feature. Super convenient for getting the labels to go the way you want them to go quickly.

What I've noticed is that it tends to pick which layer and label class to use on its own (appearance, position, and expression), and I haven't found a way to specify which one I want. Even if I turn off all but one layer, I can tell it to ignore the appearance and position settings, but it still then places a plain, straight label of only one of my classes in that layer with no option to specify.

A highway, for example, may have a name and a signed number, and sometimes both are used on maps. I can get it to label it with the street name, but not the shield. It seems the designers of this tool intended it for maps with only one layer and one label class. Some sort of selector for those features that fall under multiple label classes would be great, as would be a way to specify the layer.


As an example, this is how the labeling rules place them - just fine. When I go the auto text route, I can only get Kimberly.

Tags (1)

The Auto Text tool pulls the text from the topmost layer's first label class.  This may explain your results.

You can choose to use the positioning from the layer or to place where you click.

You can also use the symbol set in the label class or use the default text symbol.

Right click using the Auto text tool to get to the context menu




@WendyHarrison  what does that have to do with specifying a layer and label class? Wouldn't unchecking those just apply the same faulty label without formatting or positioning? Link does not work.



at the moment the tool pulls the text from the topmost layer's first label class.  this is the same as it worked in ArcMap.  the rest is additional information on the different settings for the tool.

the link to the documentation is fixed.

Presently this request has 1 kudo.  I'll keep an eye on it to see if more users are requesting it.


Status changed to: Under Consideration
Status changed to: In Product Plan
Status changed to: Implemented

This is implemented in ArcGIS Pro 3.4. Go to Your Ideas in ArcGIS Pro 3.4 to see other ideas implemented this release and check out the What's New help to learn about everything that is new and improved in ArcGIS Pro 3.4.