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Add a way to toggle setting for stretching geometry proportionately when moving a vertex on and off while editing

11-14-2023 01:01 PM
Status: Already Offered
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor

I would like the ability to toggle the setting for stretching geometry proportionately when moving a vertex on and off while editing. Ideally this would be a top level setting in the Editing Toolbar.

Status changed to: Needs Clarification

Hi @KevinWyckoff1  are you asking for a keyboard shortcut to this toggle?



If so, you can do this by adding a custom keyboard shortcut (in 3.2) or an Accelerator in earlier releases


This is what it would look like in 3.2:


Now when I hit the S key, stretch proportionately toggles on and off.




That is exactly what I need. Even to have it available in the toolbar like in your screenshot would be extremely valuable. I have looked into upgrading to 3.2, but am waiting due to some dependencies that don't seem to work past 3.1.3


@KevinWyckoff1 the stretch proportionately toggle has been available in the toolbar since version 2.5. Are you not seeing it when using the Edit Vertices tool or sketching a line or polygon?


@Scott_Harris  I see what you mean now that I moved and expanded the size of that toolbar. It is easy to get tunnel visioned doing work in my niche of the GIS world. Apparently I was just not paying attention to that button when editing vertices. Thank you so much for the reply.

Status changed to: Already Offered

no problem @KevinWyckoff1 

Glad you have stretch proportionately available in the toolbar on your end 🙂