Dear all,
Please could you consider the input options for Add Fields? Our developers really love the new tool. And they are missing these 4 parameters here:
• isRequired – this option is important when the developer needs to lock that fields against the accidental deletion for example when using relation based on custom field.
• precision and scale – even they are not an option for FGDB, our developers want to use this options againsts SDE, where these constrains are necessary.
• IsNullable – it would be also great to have it in Add Fields.
These options in this great tool ease the development so much especially in use for SDE geodatabase. Of course, the Add Filed tool can be used as workaround, but it does not have the performance, and when adding approx. 300 fields (for whole data-model), the Add Fields is needed here. It would improve a performace of tools/add-ins of our development.
Thank you.
Have a great day ahead.