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Upgrade Parcel Fabric Tool to create empty parcel types for all subtypes.

02-22-2022 09:45 AM
Status: Closed
Frequent Contributor

The current Upgrade Parcel Fabric only create parcel types for subtypes that you have data for.
It should create all parcel types even if there is no data (or at least have the option to create them).
When you have multiple database to upgrade, you end up with some database that have some parcel types and other that have different parcel types. It's difficult to have a "standardize" database with you get this behavior.

Thank you, 

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Hello Pascal,

This is the current design of the Upgrade ArcMap Parcel Fabric tool.  We had many users who were upgrading from ArcMap who utilized the Local Government Information Model that came with predefined parcel types, some of which were not used by different users.

There are two workflows that can help provide you with the desired outcome:

1. If you want the Upgrade Tool to make the Parcel Types for you, you can create one parcel in the subtype/domain value(s) that do not have any parcels associated to the type.  Then the upgrade will create those types with those parcels and you can simply just delete those parcels after the upgrade

2. Alternatively you can create the parcel types in Pro after the upgrade has run.  Here you can fully configure all the fields appropriate to that parcel type.  If you want all the same fields/schema as the other parcel types you can open the Fields Table on an existing parcel type.  SHIFT + Left Click to select all the fields you want to bring across.  Right click and COPY.  Then open the Fields Table of the newly created parcel type and then click PASTE.  This will bring all those fields across and help match the schema you desire. 

Status changed to: Closed