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Add Parcel Type - Use Template or Allow Schema change before creation

06-21-2021 06:27 AM
Status: In Product Plan
Occasional Contributor

We've been expanding our Parcel Types recently to include several layers for Administrative Boundaries now that we are working with 10.9/2.8. In total, we are adding an additional 18 types to our Fabric to support both Jurisdiction Boundaries, as well as their Annexations. 

Adding a Parcel Type works as you would anticipate. Input a Fabric, name a Feature, check the Admin Boundaries box, and you get two feature classes and their respective relates and Topology.

What is not working for me, and perhaps for all of you as well, is if you are going to then prime and load your existing data into this newly created set of features. Since none of your existing fields in your data are going to be present when you first create these new features, you have to step out of the Add Parcel Type, and then go into Design and add those fields.

If you were only adding one feature class, this would likely not be a big deal. If you are adding more than a couple, doing this process repeatedly adds a considerable amount of time to creating the Parcel Types you need.

I have two suggestions/enhancements to this process. Allow the ability to select a Feature Template from an existing Feature Class, or allow the ability to add fields before Add Parcel Type executes.  

1 Comment
Status changed to: In Product Plan

We are planning to introduce this capability in future releases for both the polygon and line.

Adding fields to a feature class in ArcGIS Pro is very easy and efficient using the Design Fields view.