Hello! I am trying to use an arcade expression to isolate features that contain carriage returns for a certain field within a list on my dashboard. Possibly using '\r.' As of right now, I've tried a few things like the Find function, but no luck yet. I would love some help on this! Once again, I would like to highlight features that have carriage returns in their NAME field, not filter them out.
Try this Arcade expression that highlights features with carriage returns in the NAME field:
var nameField = $feature.NAME;
var carriageReturnPosition = Find("\r", nameField);
// Check if a carriage return character is found in the NAME field
if (carriageReturnPosition != -1) {
// Return a custom message or value to indicate the presence of a carriage return
return "Contains Carriage Return";
} else {
// Return a different message or value to indicate no carriage return
return "No Carriage Return";
Hello, I adjusted accordingly to be applicable to my data.
var portal = Portal('portal url')
var fs = FeatureSetByPortalItem(portal, "itemid", 0, ['STREETNAME'],false)
var carriageReturnPosition = Find("\r", fs);
if (carriageReturnPosition != -1) {
return Filter(fs, carriageReturnPosition)
} else {
return "No Carriage Returns in Street Names"
I am doing this in a data expression for the list element. However, when I run the test, it is fine BUT when i try to select the expression, it says that it is unable to execute the arcade expression. What am I doing wrong, how do i make these display within the list element