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Symbology Expression

10-06-2022 01:22 PM
Emerging Contributor

Hello everyone, 

I have created a dashboard for our ROW Permit Applications. On the back end, I created a survey so that our Water and Wastewater supervisors can review them and either Approve or Deny them. 


I am wanting to write an expression that will only change the status (symbology) to Approved when both supervisors have submitted the survey as approved. Is this possible?


Any guidance would be greatly appreciated as I am not even sure where to start.



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3 Replies
Honored Contributor

One idea to explore is adding an Arcade expression to your map and then symbolizing that layer based on the Arcade expression value. This way, you can incorporate that additional verification that the supervisors have signed off. This is some pseudo code to give you the idea-

var theStatus = $feature.Status;
var theSymbStatus = '';

if(theStatus == 'Denied') {
     theSymbStatus = 'Denied';
if(theStatus == 'Submitted') {
     theSymbStatus = 'Submitted';
if(theStatus == 'AdditionalInfo') {
     theSymbStatus = 'AdditionalInfo';
if(theStatus == 'Approved') {
     //Check if the two supervisors have reviewed and signed off
     if ($feature.Supervisor01 = true) and ($feature.Supervisor02 = true) {
         theSymbStatus = 'Approved';
     } else {
         theSymbStatus = 'AdditionalInfo';
return theSymbStatus;
New Contributor

You may represent a layer on your map based on its value by adding an Arcade expression to your map. This way, you can let everyone know for sure that it has the stamp of approval from above. Here is some fictitious code to help you see it. 

super mario bros


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New Contributor

To achieve your goal, you can use a conditional logic expression. Ensure the system records each supervisor's input (e.g., Supervisor1Approval and Supervisor2Approval). Then, apply an expression like:

IF(Supervisor1Approval = "Approved" AND Supervisor2Approval = "Approved", "Approved", "Pending")

This ensures the status updates to "Approved" only when both supervisors submit approval. Configure the dashboard to reflect these changes visually using conditional symbology. Let me know the specific platform for detailed steps!


people playground

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