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Masking layers in AGOL

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05-19-2020 04:52 PM
Occasional Contributor

Is layer masking available in AGOL? I'm building a map for use in a Story Map, and I'd like to mask a few of the layers by another polygon layer in the map. In Pro I'd use layer masking via the masking drop down menu (by clicking on the layer to be masked in the contents pane. It's on the Feature Layer super tab, on the Appearance tab, in the Drawing group). Is there any way to do something similar online, or do I need to create clipped versions of the layers I want to mask?

13 Replies
Esri Frequent Contributor

I can't tell what "webmap app" you are using, but the thing to remember is that these blending and effects capabilities are only supported in the new Map Viewer (not Map Viewer Classic) and only in the newer apps (since they all share the underlying latest JSAPI 4.x). For example, you map will work just in Instant Apps, Experience Builder, ArcGIS Dashboards, and ArcGIS StoryMaps but the effects/blending and group layers are not supported in older configurable apps or in Web AppBuilder.

Here's a quick test case using the Basic Instant App:

Camp Fire Focus (Destination In) - Basic Viewer (

Frequent Contributor

Hi @BernSzukalski this blending option works well in a webmap but this quality is not preserved in Field Maps. How can we use this masking in Field Maps?


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Emerging Contributor

Thank you - I got them working great in a StoryMap I have instead and am really pleased.  I will ask someone in my organisation which of the apps are new enough.  Thanks.  

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Esri Frequent Contributor

The list of apps I describe above are the JS API 4.x ones and will all support the new blending, effects, etc. A widely used app builder that is not JS API 4.x is Web AppBuilder. If you are using WAB, or if your organization has created custom app templates with WAB, those will not support the new capabilities. 

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