I understand your frustration, but hopefully we have a workable solution.First, I'll ask the obvious question. Why are you embedding a WMS service inside a KML network link when you can add the WMS directly to ArcGIS Online? I was able to use the URL to the WMS and display it over the map. Adding a service avoids the need for the client (browser) to draw the features. In this particular case, the number of features is small, but this will probably be a better solution if you have a lot of data.The reason your KML is not displaying is because we're not setting a default value for ViewFormat. According to the spec:http://code.google.com/apis/kml/documentation/kmlreference.html#linkIf you specify a <viewRefreshMode> of onStop and do not include the <viewFormat> tag in the file, the following information is automatically appended to the query string:
ArcGIS Online is not automatically doing this. The workaround is straightforward. Add this parameter to your KML.<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
We'll try to address this in a subsequent release.Hope this helps,Mike