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How do I create halos and limit label scale in ArcGIS Online maps?

08-12-2015 07:26 AM
Emerging Contributor


I want to create labels in ArcGIS online that have the following qualities.

1) The ability to appear at certain scales.

2) The ability to show halos.

I would like to have the halos appear similar as the map at

I am using ArcGIS Pro.  I can share the web map and I can get the scale functionality to work.  However, if I alter it in ArcGIS online, I lose the scale limits.

Thank you in advance.

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1 Reply
Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Christopher,

If you have ArcGIS Server, you can publish the MXD as a map service.  Your label properties and scale ranges will be maintained.

If you do not have ArcGIS Server, you can create a Tile Package from your MXD.  The tile package can be uploaded to ArcGIS Online, and then published as a Tile Service.

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