I published a feature service and created a geoform based on it, but one of the fields in the geoform comes in as "required". I don't want it to be required. How do I stop this behavior?
Hi Sue,
When you created your feature service, did you create it from a geodatabase feature class? If so, is the field marked as 'Required' there?
Finally figured out what was happening. When I published my feature class
in ArcMap I had symbolized the features based on domain values . That,
apparently, makes a field "required". When I republished it using a single
symbol for all features it was no longer "required" and I was able to turn
off that field in the GeoForm configuration. I guess a specified set of
symbols demands that a field always be populated. Once published I added
the feature service to an ArcGIS Online web map and symbolized it there
using the field values. I was on the phone with Esri tech support and he
is going to report it as a bug.