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Text scale in ArcGIS Online

05-16-2013 01:19 AM
Status: Open
New Contributor III

I would like to see an addition to the mapviewer in ArcGIS Online. Now, you can see a scalebar, which changes if you zoom in or out.

I would like to see a text scale, i.e. 1:25.000, which you can edit to zoom in or out at your level you like. Maybe in addition to this idea, an checkbox to lock this scale. It's easier to specify on which scale you'd like to operate and if you have services which are only visible at 1:5.000, you can enter this and the lock the scale.

Thanks in advance,

Mark Verlaat
University of Groningen

I highly support this idea. Having only a scale bar is often not enough for frequent GIS users.

Barbara Schwendtner
Geodata AS

I highly support this as I have 200 internal users asking me where the scale is. It's present in Arcmap and was also present in Localview so my users really miss this feature.

by Anonymous User

And scalebars can be deceptive at continental scale particularly something like web Mercator.  Perhaps clicking it should display a tooltip stating what latitude it is valid at. A lot of folks are creating maps with scale bars without considering projection, this could help raise awareness.