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Enable subfolders in ArcGIS Online

05-01-2023 06:47 AM
Status: Open
Frequent Contributor

Saw some older posts on this but decided to start a new one to hopefully get some fresh perspectives.

It would be really usefult to be able to create subfolders within ArcGIS Online's My Content section. I feel like this is a pretty universally standard capability among online hosting tools like OneDrive, DropBox, Google Drive, etc.

With as much as ArcGIS Online has grown over the years, it would be really valuable to be able to use subfolders to organize projects. One example would be if you're, say, building an Instant App that's sharing results from a Survey123 survey via one or more hosted feature layer views. In that situation, it be great to be able to have a folder structure like so:

  • Main project folder
    • Survey subfolder for form and default feature layer and views
    • Instant app subfolder for web map and app
    • Feature layer view subfolder for views used to share the data publicly
    • Subfolder for experimental/not in use stuff like trial instant apps etc.

I'm guessing people have many projects where there are 10+ items in a folder, and it can get really tricky to figure out which thing is which without the ability to better organize all the items.

Is this something Esri is open to implementing/ArcGIS Online users want?


Would love to have this functionality. I own several thousand items in my AGOL account, and additional folders would definitely help to keep things organized!

This functionality would be useful in many ways, but one specific use-case for me would be to have sub-folders within project folders that I would call "Archived". This would be for things that we want to keep hosted in AGOL for people to easily be able to reference, but it's not the current year's map/data.

Another option for the above scenario would be to be able to mark something as "Archived" the same way we can mark as Authoritative or Deprecated. But the subfolders idea would be very useful as well, regardless!


I'd love it instead of having so many folders in the root. For example I could have Transportation with sub-folders Sidewalk, Asphalt, Curbs, etc.


Folder organization is such an essential tool for any serious project data management.  John makes a great point!




For reference, one of the earlier posts on this topic with a lot of examples and kudos is Additional Folders/ Sub-Folders in My Content.


Thank you for linking this to that one, Peter! Also Esri, over 300 kudos and it's been a topic for over a decade?? I am not a troll, so I'm not gonna come down hard on this online. But I do think it's high time for an ArcGIS Online content management overhaul.


How this extremely basic quality of life feature has not been added yet is crazy. My organization doesn't even use AGOL much, but our directory is still cluttered because some dashboards and apps can contain 10-20 individual components. Having the ability to better sort that data is crucial. 


This is a needed feature especially in light of changes ESRI is making to licensing for AGOL users.


Organization, nesting, and structural clarity are *a nightmare* in every corner of Esri's offerings. It'll send a body into fits of crass language.


Make subfolders, for the love of sanity.


ESRI? You there? 
