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Custom symbol galleries for ArcGIS Online

01-04-2013 10:37 AM
Status: In Product Plan
Occasional Contributor

A key resource for achieving the goal of organizational branding, quality, and consistency in map authoring and publishing is a coordinated set of map symbols. An organization that is administering an ArcGIS Online subscription should be able to post its own standard marker symbol galleries for the use of its web map authors. The current method of adding custom images one-by-one via a URL for each one is much too awkward and a highly inefficient way for an organization to employ its own custom symbology.

I agree with this idea.
Indeed, i say next release :)
I definitely agree with this view.  A customized template option would add to the strength of ArcGIS Online.
Agreed. This woiuld be helpful.
Agreed fully - in fact this idea really applies to any graphical asset, along with a new content type and worflow. See my expansion of this idea to as well as a the technical reasons why image hosting does not currently work well for symbols.

Host Organizational Images in ArcGIS Online for Symbols and Storymaps

Creating an organization's own custom symbols library for use on ArcGIS Online much like a style file for Pro and ArcMap would be a great addition to ArcGIS' map production. The repeatability will shave time off a company or agency's map production. 
This is a must for our organization.

Using ArcGIS Desktop, I've created a custom style for a complex set of point markers.  When I publish the MXD as a map service (share as service), no warning or error messages are generated and the resulting map service does not contain the custom symbology.  I've tried using both PNG and EMF images as the source for the marker symbols.  I also tracked down a hidden tool that converts a desktop ".style" file to a ".serverstyle" file and copied the ".serverstyle" file into the proper location on the ArcGIS server and then re-started ArcGIS server but the custom symbology still doesn't show up.  Seems to me that there should be a standard and simple workflow to accomplish this type of task!?


Just trying to give this idea a  bump.  I still think this is crucial and is a big deficit in ArcGIS Online. 

There should be an interface where users can create a more custom icon, using multiple 'layers' just as exists in Pro or ArcMap.  These icons could then be saved and used across other layers and maps.


Yes, I'd like to be able to add styles to server and portal without having to go through this:

How To: Configure Portal for ArcGIS with custom symbology