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Color Ramp Symbology in ArcGIS Online

11-05-2020 09:14 AM
Status: Open
Regular Contributor

It would be very helpful if there could be more choices for color ramps in ArcGIS Online as there are in ArcMap.  Color ramps in ArcGIS Online are a more monochromatic range, whereas in ArcMap, there is more of a range of different colors (i.e. green to yellow to red & orange to red to blue).  This would bring more definition to symbolized areas and make them stand out more.  If there could be other various color ramp options, that would be nice as well. Please see attached pdf document for details. 

Thank you.


1 Comment
by Anonymous User

I am currently looking for a Green to Yellow to Red color ramp to use in ArcGIS Online Map Viewer.