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Color and label configuration for Charts in Map Viewer pop-ups

07-20-2022 12:41 PM
Status: Open
Frequent Contributor

Hello, I am trying to implement  Charts as ways to view data in pop-ups, but they are not customizable enough. I need to be able to adjust and apply unique colors by value to fit our organization's style guide, as well as label the categories. Hover over is not enough and very cumbersome. 

The user does not gain much from either of these charts at quick glance...




I don't have specifics or timelines but at the UC last week, but I believe the AGOL folks mentioned that they would be improving charts so that the colors used in the charts would match the features of a layer. They also mentioned that they would be trying a 3x a year update cycle rather than 4x a year so the earliest that you might see this would be November of this year. Hopefully some one from ESRI will chime in and correct anything I'm off about.


This would be incredibly helpful. I have a layer that is blue in a Sidebar instant app. Right now everything looks pretty cohesive but when I click and the pop-up comes up I have an orange bar chart. The product would look much more professional and cohesive if I could configure the bar chart to match the color of the map layer.


Something as basic as changing colors for your data should already be in Experience Builder.  I remember back in the 80's Lotus 1-2-3 had charts in multiple colors.  Fast forward 40 years and ArcGIS Experience Builder CANNOT do charts in multiple colors.  Really?!?Lotus 1-2-3.png