ArcGIS Online - Sharing functionality

12-14-2015 06:06 AM
Status: Open
Occasional Contributor
I would like there to be a way to share Web Applications at a certain level on ArcGIS Online without also having to share the Web Map controlling it and the associated Feature Layers at the same level.  For example, I currently have a Web App being shared within a Group (of account holders who are "Users") in my Organization.  In order for everyone within the Group to have access to said App without it breaking, I also have to share with the Group the Web Map that said App is tied to and the associated Feature Layers that have been added to the Map.  For data security/integrity purposes, I would prefer to keep the Web Map and Feature Layers unshared (i.e. Private), and still be able to share the App with the Group without it breaking.
1 Comment



This is probably one of the only real issues i have with AGOL. Especially around dashboards. it would be great if you could just add a share web app/Dashboard only