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ArcGIS Online - Control Credit Usage for Feature Hosted Layers (max edits per IP, I am not a Robot, Limit Credits by layer)

04-27-2018 09:30 AM
Status: Open
Frequent Contributor


I am considering using the Citizen Problem Reporter, which allows the public to edit and store data on a feature hosted layer.  I am concerned about how many could be used as this application allows the public to edit data.  I would like to see if ESRI could implement some controls that might help limit how many credits are used at the feature service level.

Some ideas that could be implemented:

  • Allow us to require "I am not a robot" validation for guest editors.
  • Limit the number of edits per IP address per day.  For example allow us to only allow someone to make 20 edits a day.
  • Limit the number of credits that a single hosted layer can use so that our credits are not consumed by a single hosted feature layer.  This is similar to how we can limit credits by user to make sure that no single user, or layer consumes an unexpected number of credits.

Thank You!