AGOL pop-up issue's

01-25-2016 12:23 AM
Status: Open
New Contributor III
1. title bar position changes when browsing next feature
When the pop-up contains attributes from multiple features the map (eg when layers overlap) a small arrow appears in the title bar of the pop-up. If these features have a different amount of attributes the title bar moves and the mouse has to be repositioned to use the arrow for the next feature.
--> preferred: keep title bar on same position when browsing multiple pop-up features for faster browsing features.
2. pop-up moves out of view
With the pop-up opened the map can be enlarged. The pop-up disappears (partly or fully) out of the screen
--> preferred: keep pop-up always in the view
3. pop-up cannot be moved
--> preferred: move popup with relation to selected feature with a line/arrow pointing to that feature. This will also prevent the pop-up pointing to the wrong feature.
4. zoom map to selected object
When the pop-up contains attributes from multiple features the map stays at the same location when browsing each pop-up. This is confusing when the map is enlarged between showing the attributes of each feature.
--> preferred: zoom tot the location of the feature when that feature is out of view