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What's New in ArcGIS Online (December 2018)

12-06-2018 12:03 AM
Esri Esteemed Contributor
2 6 1,462

Learn about all the great new enhancements to ArcGIS Online in this blog by Bernie Szukalski‌,

What's New in ArcGIS Online (December 2018)

Get more details in the What's new help topic, What's new—ArcGIS Online Help | ArcGIS 


Occasional Contributor

Hi, noticed that with the new release, as an admin, I can no longer select all my members (can only select 50 at a time). There's no option to select all members of my ArcGO org account. It's a small functionality but it's a critical one for my team. Any chance it's coming back?

Also, when are the other user types rolling out? We currently only see Creator and Viewer. 

Esri Alum

Hi Reina,

What are you looking to do with the users after you have selected them all? Would you like to assign a license or perform another action?

The other User Types are available for purchase now. Once purchased, they will appear in your organization for use. If some of the new User Types are of interest to your organization, get in contact with your account rep.



Occasional Contributor

Hi Kelly, 

Thanks for your response. We want to assign a license. We're an educational institution -- our students, faculty, staff sign up using enterprise log-in. They are also able to make their ArcGO accounts themselves using the enterprise log-in. We therefore go through and add various licenses to all our members (especially ArcGIS Pro), and the new selection functionality seems really limited. 

Thank you for your info on user types. I read through the online documentation and blogs before the release, and did not see a lot of information that the other user types were available by purchase. I think you need to make that more explicit. 


Frequent Contributor

I am very excited to see this listed: 

Attribute expressions now support referencing other layers in your map.

When configuring pop-ups for a feature layer in your map, you can create Arcade expressions that reference other feature layers. You can also reference other layers when performing field calculations using Arcade.

However, none of the links gives any explanation or examples for doing this. I'd like to reference another layer in a pop-up so that the user doesn't have to find and click the tiny arrow in the pop-up box. I am only an Arcade beginner, so I usually follow examples. I'm not finding anything. Can someone point me in the right direction?

Esri Alum
Frequent Contributor

Exactly what I was looking for! Thank you Kelly Gerrow!‌

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Senior Product Manager | Twitter: @GIS_Bandit | Mastodon: | Bluesky: