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Add links to Web Monitor or Server Logs in Alert Email

01-09-2020 02:12 PM
Status: Implemented
MVP Regular Contributor

Hi ArcGIS Monitor‌ Team, 

It would be great if there was a way to add links to the respective server logs and Web Monitor interface to email alerts. We've recently seen an influx in alerts over the past few days and every time we receive an alert we walk through the process of opening a browser tab and navigating to the respective server logs or Web Monitor page to learn more. I would greatly streamline the process if these respective URLs could be included in the email alert and us users could simply click and login. 

I have tried a workaround of adding these URLs to the Comments Section in the Monitor Administrator but there's a limitation in text length which makes this impossible. 

Please consider this enhancement to make GIS administrator's jobs a bit easier. 

Thanks so much, 

Amanda Huber

by Esri Contributor
Status changed to: Implemented

Hi @Amanda__Huber 

In Monitor version 2023 email alerts contain links to the associated resource.


Hi Jen, 

Thanks for the update! We are now on Monitor 2023. 

