I've been using ArcGIS Maps SDK v1.6 for Unreal for the last few months and am finding it very useful in general but I am only able to get the API key to work for 2 hrs.
I'm using the Oauth 2 Temporary Tokens as they're the only thing I've managed to get to work properly.
I've tried generating API Keys and adding them as Authentication Configurations but I haven't been able to get these to work. I've reviewed the documentation a few times and I can't figure out where I'm going wrong.
Can anyone shed any light on how to get this working correctly?
Thanks in advance.
Have you tried this tutorial for generating API keys?
The Authentication Configuration is used for oAuth User Authentication, and you need to log in anytime you load a level.
I have followed the tutorial creating an API key and I enter the generated API key into both the project settings -> plugins - API Key setting and into the ArcGIS Maps SDK Modes panel.
Neither resulted in being able to load basemap or elevation data
I also tried adding an Authentication Configuration using the Client ID and this also has no effect in either editor or play modes.
The only way I can get content to load is if I revert to the temporary oAuth temporary token, but then I have to re-enter it every two hours which is frustrating.
I've read the ArcGIS Maps for Unreal documentation several times and I honestly can't see where I'm going wrong but I'd be very grateful if someone can point me in the right direction.
Hi AShahbaz,
I've tested the API key with the URL for ESRI service in a web browser and it gives the following response
"error": {
"code": 498,
"message": "Invalid token.",
"details": []
Why would that be?
Hi MatthewWalker10
Sorry for the late reply. Have you been able to resolve this? I am not quire sure why this would be happening. I would start by verifying that the API key is not expired and has the necessary privileges. And maybe you could generate and test another API key.