Using the Nearby App, I looking to get the location of the pin, the latitude and longitude of the point clicked on.
What do you want to do with that location? There is an undocumented option to add the app center point if you are using the "search extent" option. This will add a link to the no results, pre results or post results text. You can test this out using the following steps:
In the example above the crucial bit is the {center} value. The {center} placeholder will be replaced with the map's center point. You can use find the same way by specifying {find}.
Note that in the example above we add center to the url by adding an ampersand in front of it. This is needed to ensure the parameter is added to the url. In this example we use & because the url already has a first url param added via the question mark. The "operators" section of this article explains when to use ? vs & if you aren't familiar with these options.,....
Currently we support params for center and find.
We are looking for the lat long of the chosen point to be exported to the csv file or pdf. It's for reference so we can use that point again.