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Restrict reports within a reference feature (polygon) - Reporter Instant App

08-22-2024 11:39 AM
Status: Open
Occasional Contributor

Crowdsource Reporter had this functionality (Uneditable Polygon Layer) but Reporter does not.

I want to restrict reports coming into the application by using a different layer's (polygon) extent. We have a specific project area (e.g. City Boundary) in which we don't want comments/points being added outside of the polygon. Without this, we will be forced to continue using Crowdsource Reporter as our solution.

Is this functionality coming soon in the Reporter Instant Application or what do you recommend to match the functionality of Crowdsource Reporter?


Hi @StephenGazdik Thank you for the feedback. We've plans for implementing this functionality possibly early next year. Currently, you can restrict navigation boundary by the configuring map area.




Thanks Suba. That's good to know.

The Map Area configuration is great however it doesn't provide the exact functionality that I'm looking for which Crowdsource Reporter had. In the meantime we will have to continue using the old application until hopefully next year when you can specify a polygon as the restricted commenting area.



Yes, and I understand that it's not the same but just constricts the user from navigating outside of a set boundary when interacting with the app. I'll make sure it gets implemented early next year. Thanks!


I also have a need to be able to restrict the geographic area where a report can be added. Glad to hear there is a plan to implement this feature.