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Only show the selected result layer on the map (Zone Lookup)

07-26-2022 12:21 PM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor

With the Zone Lookup Instant App, I like that you can turn on "Hide layers when map loads". Super useful.

To take it one step further, you should also have an option to "Only show layer when result is selected". For instance, if I have 4 results based on the location of my map pin, the layer would only display on the map when the user clicks on the associated result (the other 3 layers would be hidden/not shown on the map). 

My use case is for regional hazards identification. The map is difficult to read if results for wildfire hazard, 100 year floodplain, earthquake shake potential, etc. all display at once. Please only display the layer when I click on a result.

Thanks for reading! 👍




Thanks for the feedback. I want to make sure I understand your situation. It sounds like you have a zone lookup map where there are several hazards in the map area (earthquakes, fires, floods etc) and you only want the actual location to show up on the map when someone clicks the result in the side panel? 

Would setting up filters work for your use case? You could have a filter for each type of hazard and use those to filter the view? 


I would also love to see this functionality but for a somewhat different use case. I have an app ( that is showing legislative and congressional districts.

Right now I am showing in the map only the polygons that intersect with the address but my ideal would be to turn on results grouping and show all the congressional districts in the map (with the new map effects) when congressional districts is expanded in the results side panel, then when senate is expanded show all the senate districts and same for house districts. 

Currently this data is in three different layers so filtering wouldn't work. I'd also be concerned that users wouldn't know to filter and that the map view would be too confusing if folks didn't filter.

Happy to provide more information @KellyHutchins if anything about that explanation is unclear.


@ArielLow2146  thanks for the additional use case. So I think in both situations if we added an option to show the layer associated with the clicked result and highlight the selected feature that would work for both use cases. 

Just to make sure I've got it right in your congressional app if I clicked on OR Senate District 14 then you'd see the entire senate district layer with district 14 highlighted?


@KellyHutchins that would be awesome!


@ArielLow2146  and @MichaelRobles  we talked about this and can definitely see the use cases so we are going to look into implementing this workflow. We have a few questions about the behavior you'd expect to see and wondered if you could email so we can continue to discuss how this would look/work in the app. My email address is  please send me an email if you'd like to discuss this in more detail with the team. 


@KellyHutchins Ok, will do! That's very much!


Upvoting this idea. I am also trying to make an app showing elected officials and it's disappointing when you have more than one layer in this app. You have to go with no symbology and no labels or else they all overlap each other. I want users to be able to see their neighboring districts at a glance with their selected one highlighted and everything labeled with district numbers.


I know that its been a few years, but just want to upvote this idea again. 

We have an ArcGIS Enterprise account, but use ArcGIS Online quite often to take advantage of the latest build specs in applications. There is so much potential combining the information from ArcGIS Living Atlas with Zoning Lookup, especially for tract level information. Zoning Lookup has definitely grown since its initial launch, but there are some tweaks that can be make it better and more functional as the above has shared. 

For example, I add in all layers from ArcGIS Living Atlas for topics such as Population, Housing Units, Race & Ethnicity, etc to a web map. I then publish that web map, and create an Instant App, Zone Lookup from it. The user either types in an address or click on the map. It then loads up in the "Results" window all of the information. Everything is great so far.

The missing ingredient is having the option for the selected "Result" layer to have its visibility/symbology turn on in the map when you select it. People will not think to click the "Layers" list to turn it on to see it and switch back and forth (even if you put instructions). 

I was putting something together from an urgent request where staff and potentially the public can learn about demographics of their tract from a single interface both visually and summarized with the ACS 5-Year Estimates. ArcGIS Living Atlas layers does this so well, and worked great after organizing the layers and results to show like a "topic summary to explore." THE ONLY missing piece is for the layer's map to show with the corresponding symbology of that topic. I was then reminded why I didn't use Zone Lookup as a solution for many things just because of the lack of map visualizing interactivity, and had to use something else or hacks via ArcGIS Dashboards or built multiple web maps (which i prefer to avoid as that is a lot of maintenance for a simple thing). 

I would love to hear Esri's thoughts on this as we approach 2025, especially since users of the past have been expressive about this. 
