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Instant Apps / Zone Lookup / Map Pin and Label: Obscurred by other items in the map and hard to see.

11-21-2024 09:14 AM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor

Using Instant Apps and Zone Lookup, when a user searches an address, the "Map pin and label" are not effectively utilized.  The Pin and Label need to be moved to the top of the map layers and more controls added as several issues occur. 

  1. There are currently settings for size and color, but no settings for a halo of any sort, as a result, the pin and label might show up well with one background (Imagery for example) but will not show up well with a different background (Streets for example).  The ability to add a halo will help this.
  2. Also as you increase the font size, the address label gets further from the map pin.
  3. The map pin and label show up BELOW the polygon of the results in the map, making them more obscure.  It would be nice to move them to the top of the map.
  4. Similarly, when using Imagery Hybrid as a background, the pin and address label actually fall underneath the hybrid labels and hybrid street lines.  This significantly obscures the pin and label even more.

All of these factors together reduce the effectiveness of the pin and address label.



You have perfectly articulated what I also observed and also my wish list. Zoning Lookup is such a great application skeleton with so much potential. 

Just the option for "Halo" would be such a game changer seriously.


Thanks for the feedback. We'll take a look at this enhancement for a future release.