I want to add UK boundaries on my insights workbook but an error appears. On my GIS Server Logs, i found this error :
HTTP Request failed. java.lang.Exception
I tried to add another Layer from Living Atlas like US census block, it works and no error appears.
The same layer (UK boundaries) can display correctly on my portal map view.
Any suggestions ?
Thanks for help!
Hi ankhiliesrifrance-fr-esridist,
Apologies for the lack of response on this question.
Were you able to resolve this issue? If so, what was the resolution?
I also have this issue: What was the resolution if any?
I'm attempting to work through some online training and have the same issue.
(Specifically: "https://www.esri.com/training/catalog/5c352e7bd1805d450c6ce73b/understand-the-refugee-crisis-with-li... ")
I can't load the World Countries living atlas layer in order to complete the exercise. It will bring the layer in, but can't load the map.