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How to connect slope and aspect information to an attribute table

05-08-2018 10:15 AM
New Contributor

I'm currently working on a GIS model for the archaeology sites of our forest. The arch site polygon layer (which is in NAD 84) has a fairly good attribute table. I've got a column for Springs (distance), another for Other Bodies of Water (distance), Soils (types-- certain soils are indicators for ancient man sites), however,

1) I need to the add Slope Values and Aspect Values to the attribute table of the arch site polygon layer. How do I do that?

2) I've run the DEM and gotten my slope (in percent rise, archys don't record in degrees) and aspect in the TOC. Slope ranges are 0-10, 10-20, 20-30, 30-40, 40-50%. Some archaeological sites are small and their slope may fall only into one of the ranges, however, the larger the site, the greater the chance that they could sit in more than one (i.e. 20-30 and 30-40%), especially if on a hillside. Is there a way I can determine the average and have that go into the attribute table column for Slope Value?

3) #Is there a way I can determine the average for Aspect and have that go into the attribute table column for Aspect Value?

*I assume the answer is somewhere in Spatial Analyst, but I still count myself as somewhere in between beginner and intermediate in knowledge of GIS, so please bear that in mind in the wording of your explanation.*

Context--This model is being used for research questions as well as planning surveys-- archaeologists do not survey above a slope of 35% as a matter of safety, unless there is a visible terrace that prehistoric/historic occupants may have used, in which case, aspect comes into play as well.

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