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Trimble Positions Thread - Post Here

11-26-2012 06:46 AM
Emerging Contributor
I wanted to start this thread as a place for questions.  I have been working with Trimble quite a bit to get this figured out.  Mostly on being able to switch from Analyst to Positions.  It seems like Trimble hasn't caught up to ESRI and the service pack yet, so they have workarounds for compatibility.  Lets hear some of your stories with the new software.
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97 Replies
Emerging Contributor
Hi Kim,

I have a couple users having the exact same issue, and I have not been able to get to the bottom of it.  Maybe we can compare and see if we can find the common thread that might be causing this?

- What is your OS?  I initially thought it had something to do with Positions' trouble running on XP.
- Were you previously running GPS Analyst on that computer?
- Were you running an older version of Positions Desktop at some point?  What version are you running now?
- When you click on one of those Invalid Geometry features, and then click the View Positions button, is there anything in there?  Or is it just blank?
- Is this happening even before you differentially correct?  Or is it only after differential correction?

I would be very interested in any info you can share.



Here are the specs: Win. 7 Professional. Yes, I previously ran GPS Analyst, but this is the first version of Positions that I've used.  Positions Desktop Add-In v.

The data are definitely there.  When I select an arc and "View Positions" it shows up.  On my first session I collected just 4 arcs, but they all imported without error.  Then I collected 8 arcs over 2 different sessions (I don't think I changed any settings).  Only one arc imported successfully, the others all have the "Invalid geometry" error.  I thought at first that it was because I had interrupted the streaming to collect a point, but that didn't prove to be the problem.  I get the errors before I differentially correct.  The points I collected all look fine. 

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Regular Contributor
Thanks Kim,

I guess the first thing I should have asked is if you are setting any accuracy requirements when you set up the project.  These guys are not, but if you are, then that may be the problem.

So these users that I am working with also had GPS Analyst on their computers recently, and given the other problems I have seen with that, I wonder if there might be something there.  I will investigate this one further and see if I can come up with something. 

Might not be the same issue though because when they click on a feature and click View Positions, nothing is listed in the window where you should see information about all the individual positions.  It is just blank... which explains why they get the Invalid Geometry error, but not why it happens to begin with.

The one thing you mention is that with a smaller amount of line features, it worked fine and when you collected more, then you got this issue.  These users are many times collecting 30 or more line features in one session, and I wonder if this might be causing problems?  But honestly, I'm just grasping at straws there.  Wondering if you could reproduce the same behavior again.

Trimble asked if you could reproduce the issue using a QuickProject instead of your own database.  Then it is easier for them to rule out an issue with the database itself.

I'll keep you updated on any additional info I can dig up.
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Emerging Contributor

I misspoke on the "View Position" issue.  When I check the data into my mxd and select "View Features" I see the "Invalid geometry" error, but when I click on one of the arcs it displays in the map and its position is reasonably good.  It has geometry.  When I select "View Positions" for that arc it doesn't show any positions.  So it does sound like it's the same problem that you are seeing.

I collected again today.  Collected about a dozen arcs in the same area with the same settings and I get no "Invalid geometry" errors.  I did get an "insufficient accuracy" error on some of the arcs, but I marked those as exceptions and corrected the data successfully.  I should loosen up the accuracy before I collect again, but I don't think that's related.

Still grasping at straws.  I tried collecting with or without a new checkout & it doesn't seem to matter.  I took the spaces out of my folder name and apm name, but I don't think that's it.  I've got Maplex turned on in the mxd - that used to choke ArcPad/GPS Correct/GPS Analyst, but that's been the same on all my recent sessions.  I tried collecting streaming vertices from the main editing tool bar and from the one at the bottom of the screen; makes no difference.  I've collecting a point within the arc by pausing the streaming vertices versus just collecting an arc; interrupting doesn't trigger the error.  I've tried long and short arcs, collecting many arcs or just a few.  No dif.

I'm using the Trimble ArcPad Extension protocol in GPS preferences.  Log GNSS to SSF is turned on in the Trim Positions Setup>Logging Settings.  Real-time settings are: Choice 1: Integrated SBAS and Choice 2: Use Uncorrected GNSS.  Since I'm post-processing I should probably just use uncorrected GNSS, but these settings have been consistent across sessions.  It's possible that I changed some setting that triggered the error, but I'm not aware of having done so.

I have not tried a QuickProject.  My database is simple: an arc feature class (trails) and a point feature class (trail points).  I used it with GPS Correct/GPS Analyst last year.  I'm collecting out in the open for testing purposes.  I don't have an external antenna.

I'm open to suggestions!
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Regular Contributor
Thanks for all the info Kim!  I'm glad it worked for you today, but as you said, that just seems to indicate that none of your settings or your workflow or database would cause the problem.  I think it must be in the software.  I'm working with Trimble on this, and I'll let you know what I find out... might be Tuesday before it moves forward.  In the meantime, if you get anything new, let me know.

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Regular Contributor
Hi Kim,

Do you use nested points when collecting your lines?  Can you describe that workflow?  Are you streaming lines or collecting vertices?  And then when you stop to collect a point, do you pause your line and then continue when you are done with the point feature?

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Regular Contributor
Hi Kim,

Wanted to let you know that the Invalid Geometry issue when collecting lines with nested points has been logged as a bug by Trimble and is expected to be resolved in the next release, hopefully before the end of the year.

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Deactivated User
I am getting the following error during mobile cache synchronization.  I can see about 97 features on the GPS unit, but none of them are being transferred during the synchronization. 

Error posting updates for wControlValve layer
Error posting updates for wCurbStopValve layer
Error posting updates for wHydrant layer
Error posting updates for wNetworkStructure layer
Error posting updates for wStructure layer 

0 Kudos
Regular Contributor
I am getting the following error during mobile cache synchronization.  I can see about 97 features on the GPS unit, but none of them are being transferred during the synchronization. 

Error posting updates for wControlValve layer
Error posting updates for wCurbStopValve layer
Error posting updates for wHydrant layer
Error posting updates for wNetworkStructure layer
Error posting updates for wStructure layer 


Hi Chad,

A couple things can cause this, but the one I see most often is the Spatial Index causing trouble.  Try opening the feature class properties in Catalog, go to the Indexes tab and Delete the Spatial Index then try to sync again.
Regular Contributor

Thank you, Alison Walker!! Deleting the spatial index on the sessions feature class fixed the problem I was having today with sessions not syncing.

Also, I usually have to finish sessions that are for some reason open on the Trimble before copying off the the mobile cache or I run into problems.

I have to say that this Positions software has a pretty even cost:frustration ratio (very expensive, very frustrating), it's some of the worst software I've ever had to use.

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Deactivated User


Sorry to hear to that you had frustrations using Trimble positions. I have

had good experiences with this software but now have moved on to ArcGIS

Mobile for Windows 7 running on Trimble Yuma 2 Tablet PC.

I am curious what exactly what you having problems with. I know Allison

Walker and she is very knowledgeable. I took some Trimble classes from her

and she was a wonderful instructor.

In kind spirit,


Darryl Sanchez

Realty Specialist

Real Estate Services

Bureau of Indian Affairs

Northern Cheyenne Agency

Lame Deer, Montana

Phone#: (406) 477-8286

Fax#: (406) 477-8281

*People are definitely the U.S. Government’s 20th greatest asset. It does

not make any difference whether their service is civilian or military. The

U.S. government is only as good as the people it keeps.*

-Darryl Sanchez 2013

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