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Device Conflict Between ArcPad and ArcGIS for Windows Mobile?

02-28-2013 08:32 AM
Deactivated User
We are trying to deploy the ArcGIS for Windows Mobile 10.1.1 to Trimble Junos with ArcPad already installed.  We keep getting an install error on the Juno's stating that the installation of the ArcGIS for Windows file has failed.

Is there a conflict between ArcPad (in this case 10.x) and the Windows Mobile app?  Do I have to remove ArcPad before trying to install ArcGIS for Windows Mobile?

Thanks in advance!
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2 Replies
Deactivated User
We are running Junos with ArcPad 10 and ArcGIS for WM 10.1.1 on Windows Mobile 6.1.  I have had success using the "Handheld Install" (Start>Programs>ArcGIS>ArcGIS for Windows Mobile>Handheld Install) tool to load the appropriate software onto the device.  Also, be sure that you have the latest .NET framework installed as ArcGIS for WM requires it.

Be aware that you can't run ArcPad and ArcGIS for WM at the same time and use the GPS receiver unless you use something like Franson GPS Gate that takes the GPS signal and pushes it out a virtual port that both applications can connect to.
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Deactivated User
We are running Junos with ArcPad 10 and ArcGIS for WM 10.1.1 on Windows Mobile 6.1.  I have had success using the "Handheld Install" (Start>Programs>ArcGIS>ArcGIS for Windows Mobile>Handheld Install) tool to load the appropriate software onto the device.  Also, be sure that you have the latest .NET framework installed as ArcGIS for WM requires it.

Be aware that you can't run ArcPad and ArcGIS for WM at the same time and use the GPS receiver unless you use something like Franson GPS Gate that takes the GPS signal and pushes it out a virtual port that both applications can connect to.

A belated thanks for the info!  We tracked the issue down to the Windows mobile device manager and once we got that resolved were able to properly provision all the handhelds.
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