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5.0 Excel Map won't Import Any Excel Data

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02-14-2019 11:21 AM
New Contributor

Downloaded the new 5.0 update.  I can't get any excel records into the map.  I keep getting "An error occurred while processing this action.  Please try again." when I select excel data from the map window.   I can add layers from portal.  Is anyone experiencing a similar issue? 

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Honored Contributor

I feel like this ties to my question about not being able to load my worksheet of county data.  I have publisher permission, so that can't be a solution for me.  Good tip, though for the future, since not all my users will have publisher permission.  I would have expected them to create content within Excel, and that Publisher would come into play as they shared out their content. 

I need to think through the various permissions people will need. I understand the need for a named user account, but just because a user can create their own content doesn't mean I would want them to publish it to Everyone. 

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