Yesterday I saved my ArcGIS Explorer Online presentation including the titles and several of them including Latin American Character like á, é, í, ó, ú, ñ and so on. Yesterday everything works ok.
But today (after opening the saved session) I found that my tiltes has a "?" on each of these characters.
The image attached shows 3 of this titles: Instead of "Mapa Base Topográfico del Mundo" it says "Mapa Base Topogr?fico del Mundo" Instead of "Un Mapa Base Multi-Resolución" it says "Un Mapa Base Multi-Resoluci?n" Instead of "Agencia Geológica" it says "Agencia Geol?gica"
Thank you for reporting this problem. It should be fixed now. You will need to update your map to correct the bad characters then save your map again. Please let us know if you encounter any further problems.