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Service Layer "Pop-Up" Label is Stuck on "Object ID"

03-27-2013 05:57 AM
Occasional Contributor
In build 2500, I have noticed that our published map services are displaying the Object ID as the title of the associated Pop-Up, rather than the field we had set for the display prior to publishing. This was not the case in build 1750, and it would show the content of the field we chose. (We could set the properties in ArcMap, under the "display --> display expression" tab, prior to publishing the service.)

This is mostly an issue when a user clicks somewhere on the map that has more than one feature, and to select which pop-up they would like to see they are given a choice to choose from the surrounding features, but the choices are based on the labels, which are now only object ID's and not our store numbers. No way for them to tell which store they are choosing ! Same goes for all our other service layers, every pop-up is labeled with the object ID and not the field chosen prior to publishing.

HUGE problem for us... and very confusing for users. Anyone found an answer to this ??? Thanks !!
(ArcServer Enterprise 10.1, ArcMap 10.1, both on service pack 1, Explorer Desktop 2500)
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