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Filter related records in the table widget based on the map extend

09-20-2024 01:00 AM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor

Currently, the Table Widget in ArcGIS Experience Builder does not offer the capability to automatically filter related records based on the current map extent. This can make it difficult to quickly find relevant data when the map is panned or zoomed.  This only works by first making a selection on the visible records, after which the related items are displayed. Another option is creating a Joined View Layer, but the downside is that the map gets additional objects in it. 

My proposal is to add a feature that allows the Table Widget to automatically filter related records based on the current map extent.


  • Increases efficiency in data analysis by displaying only relevant records.
  • Reduces the time needed to navigate through irrelevant data.
  • Enhances user experience by providing a dynamic and intuitive interface.


I have a map layer with multiple inspections (and over time, more inspections are conducted). From an inspection, several issues may arise, which are stored in a related table. These issues then need to be resolved. Based on the map extent, we want to see which actions are required in a specific area.


In the Map Widget Settings Panel, go to the Actions Tab then Add A Trigger > Extent Changes > Framework > Filter Data Records > The Data In Your Table. This should make a table that filters itself to the map extent.

You may want to create a Data View specifically for this table so that only the table is filtered.


Sorry for the confusion. The related data lacks geometry. The fact that it is linked to data that does have geography unfortunately does not matter in this case.