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WineServer issue on Linux

06-15-2022 02:13 AM
Regular Contributor


 I've several ArcGIS Server 10.6.1 in Production, déployen in CentOS7.

Sometimes I have an error when publishing a service with ArcGIS Pro, but I know that restarting ArcGISServer will fix this error, restarting the publishing service is not enough.

I also have a python script running as a linux service on the VM. The python script use ArcPY and Python3 with Anaconda. 

Sometime a I have a failure when restarting the service and the status give me the following information : ArcWine: Loading failed, but reporting SUCCESS

I have identified an issue with ArcWine (WineServer)

If I killl the wineserver and restart the linux service , the winserver is automatically restarted. 

Likewise, If I killl the wineserver, ArcgGIS Server is not able to publish a service. 

If I restart the publishig service on arcgis server, winserver is automatically restarted. But ArcGIS Server s not able to publish a service.

To conclude: sometime, we are facing an Issue cause by WineServer. I dont know the root cause of this issue, but this issue will prevent to publish a service or in my case restart my linux service properly. 

The only way to resolve this issue is to restart arcgisserver. Restaing wineserver (by killing it) ou restarting the publishingtool is not enough.

Do you have any  information about WineServer and knowed issues with this component of ArcGIS Server ?

I need to  provide information to the supervision team about issues when it occurs and the action the team need to do in order to restore the fonctionnality. 


best regards

Xavier Lhomme
GIS Architect / ESIRI Expert
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