Thank you for your response. We had a debate in your organization but we took one course of action, the second described below.
The database is Oracle. Data owners are created the way you describe. My question was about data users. I wanted to have individual user accounts ex Mary, Jim, Tom. These accounts would belong to user groups controled by roles. The Roles would be based on the office or organizational group the users belonged to for example Planning Office, Engineering office etc.
Our organization had different rules set up and I was proposing to change them. Our organization has the following rules: For every schema that owns data there are two roles SELECT_ROLE and UPDATE_ROLE. The roles grant select or (SELECT,UPDATE,INSERT and DELETE) to all layers in that schema. There are no individual accounts. There are generic accounts per office for example Planning, Engineering etc. They maintain this is simpler to manage and I agree but I don't think it is flexible. Planning people may need to edit 1 feature class in the engineering schema while they don't need to see all of the layers in engineering. Planning people do not need to see every feature class in the Planning schema even for example.